Sippy Cup: "Dad, what's a weapon?"
Me: "What's that now?"
Sippy Cup: "A weapon. What's a weapon?"
Me: "Oh, wow, uhm, I guess I should probably be careful with this answer."
Sippy Cup: "Ok."
Me: "Let's see. A weapon is...uhm...a weapon is anything that you can use to hurt someone. It might be a sword. It might be some scissors. It can even be your hands. Anything that you use to hurt someone is a weapon."
Sippy Cup: "Hmmm....ok."
Me (beaming with pride): "So you have to be very careful with weapons and never, ever use them."
Several minutes later.
Sippy Cup: "What about with a bad guy? If I use a weapon on a bad guy, is it still a bad thing?"
Me (pride suddenly replaced by growing sense of ineptitude): "Right, of course.
Leave it to you to turn this into a second amendment debate."
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