December 23, 2010

A Letter to Future Sippy Cup (9)

Hey kid,

I read this earlier today and thought of you.

"The only things that life denies you are the things that you are willing to let pass by.
Fight for the things you love.  And love the things that are worth fighting for."

I hope I raise you with enough courage to follow this advice. 

You will be a better man than I am if you do.


December 15, 2010

Lil Super Hero

Sippy Cup: "Dad, did you bake a cake?"

Me: "Why yes, my good man, I did."

Sippy Cup: "So is this a test?"

Me: "Pardon me?"

Sippy Cup: "You know, a 9-1-1 test?"

Me: "I am both confused and a little scared."

Sippy Cup: "Do you want to see if I know how to call the firemen?"

Me: "Uhm...nooooo..."

Sippy Cup: "Then why is the oven on?"

Me (running into the kitchen to turn off the oven): "Ahh....yes...a test!  Good job!  You passed!"

Sippy Cup: "Yay!"

In all the ways I could have thought of celebrating our 250th post, not blowing up the house never even crossed my mind.

December 11, 2010

Lost Time

In an almost direct response to yesterday's post, I walked into the living room earlier this afternoon to find Lil Sippy Cup sitting on the couch, wearing his Reebok Pump Hightops, one grey mitten and nothing else.

For obvious reasons, photographic evidence of this sartorial accomplishment cannot be posted.

December 10, 2010

A Moment of Honesty

It's no secret that the posting schedule has been delayed as of late.

I hadn't really commented on it simply because I didn't think anyone really visited the site often enough to notice.

It has been both humbling and encouraging to receive messages to the contrary.

When I first started writing on this site, I made a promise to myself that I would keep all stories true and brutally honest, regardless of how they may paint my abilities (or lack thereof) as a father.

You see, it is incredibly easy and dangerously tempting to make up stories about the things a 3 year-old does and says.  I spend the entire day alone with him.  Who could possibly prove the truth?  Sippy Cup?  He still has a hard time feeding himself.

Nevertheless, I felt that I would not only be betraying my integrity by inventing stories but, ultimately, the entire point of this site as well. I want this to be a chronicle for Sippy Cup to look back on when he's much older.  A diary of sorts, detailing the time he spent at home driving his dad insane.

With that said, Sippy Cup has turned into a "WB Frog" of sorts lately and refuses to perform on command.

On most days (especially during the brutally cold days we've been experiencing in NYC), me and the little dude just lounge around the house, reading books, playing pretend and watching cartoons.  To me, this isn't anything really worth writing about.

Regardless, I have started to feel rather guilty about not writing or posting so, until the stories start happening, I will just post pictures that I am particularly fond of and the random comic strip here and there.

I will do this partly to assuage my guilt.

But, mostly, to keep you guys happy.

After all the love and support you have shown, it is the very least I can do.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.