Lil Sippy Cup (calling out from the kitchen): "Dad! Can I have an ice cream pop?"
Me (from the bedroom): "Wow, you actually asked? I'm grateful. And, yes, you can have one."
Lil Sippy Cup (excited giggle): "Thanks Dad!"
Me (feeling pretty awesome): "No problem. Remember I said just one."
Lil Sippy Cup: "Ok!"
This conversation is followed by 10 minutes of uninterrupted silence which, as you should know, is 10 minutes too many for Lil Sippy Cup.
I walk into the living room and find him sitting on the floor with the entire box of popsicles in his lap and 4 empty wrappers and a pile of popsicle sticks neatly placed to the side.
Me: "Uhm...I definitely said one."
Lil Sippy Cup (nodding in total agreement): "Yes."
Me: "This is not one."
Lil Sippy Cup (looking at me clearly confused): "Yes it is. It's one box of pops."
Look out, he is smart!
You totally got played. That is awesome.
hahahahahahahaha he worked you
Amazing! hahahaha!!!!
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