When we got home, as I was getting him undressed and thanking him for being so awesome, I found a fork from the diner in his jacket pocket. Why did he take the fork? I'm not sure. But I hope you understand why I'll be frisking him whenever we leave restaurants.
Studying the menu
Keeping busy
Pancakes + Apple Juice = Happy Toddler
Plotting his caper
He probably mistook the fork for a crayon- an honest mistake.
omg..I just read this at work..and bursted out laughing!..
Marcus is too much! lol
-Mayra..i neeed to open a gmail account to comment.
Don't you know that's one of the perks of having children. They accidently "borrow" things from stores and restaurants. Kids get away with murder and they don't even realize it... or do they? lol
Well... Now I'm wondering.. would you second thought frisking him walking out of a bank... the kid has more money than any other usual kid!
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