July 30, 2013

Stand-Up Routine

Sippy Cup: "Hey Dad. Why can't the giraffe ride in the car?"

Me: "Wait. Is this a joke? I'm confused."

Sippy Cup (giggling): "Yeah. So why can't the giraffe ride in the car?"

Me: "I don't know."

Sippy Cup (jumping up and down): "Because his neck is too long!"

Me (scrunching my forehead in confusion): "Uhm, I don't think you know how jokes work."

Sippy Cup: "Yes I do. Why can't the giant sit in your house?"

Me: "Okay. I'm game. Let's try this again. I don't know. Why can't the giant sit in my house?"

Sippy Cup (giggling maniacally): "Because he's too big and fat!"

Me: "You, my good sir, are silly."

Sippy Cup (laughing): "I'm so hilarious!"

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