June 17, 2010

Free Samples

The other weekend, we took a trip to Costco

While walking up and down the massive aisles, Lil Sippy Cup and I bumped into a young sales associate handing out free samples of whole-grain pita chips.

The chips were fantastic and unexpectedly delicious. 

Unfortunately, now Lil Sippy Cup thinks it is common practice to receive free samples at all stores. 

Not to mention the fact that he thinks it's perfectly okay to take food from strangers.

Lil Sippy Cup: "Dad, I want to go to the store and get the chips from the man."

Me: "Uhm, well, that doesn't happen at every store.  Those were just samples."

Lil Sippy Cup: "But I want the chips from the man."

Me: "Well, you should know that doesn't happen at every store and, more importantly, you shouldn't take food from strangers."

Lil Sippy Cup: "But you took the chips from the man."

Me: "Yeah, well, that was because...uhm..."

Lil Sippy Cup (interrupting): "And you took a lot of chips from him."

Me: "You see, the thing is..."

Lil Sippy Cup (interrupting again): "A whole lot of chips."

1 comment:

Diana said...

A slippery slope indeed....but the kids got a point!